Sub Hub Headlines - June 2024

June 2024

WELCOME, WELCOME, WELCOME to the June edition of Sub Hub Headlines!

Excitedly yours, Dani and Emkay

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The Scoop: got beef? đŸ„©

by EmKay Sullivan

Does trail running need more beef? This month has been a wild ride for track and field leading into an Olympic year. Every week we see the world’s fastest stars clapping at each other on social media. Whether it’s Jakob v Kerr, Davis-Woodhall v Burkes, Kerley v USA relay selection committee, etc. - these stars bring hype to the sport that we haven’t seen in years.

Boxing is one of the most watched sport in the US and the build up to the match is typically just as exciting as the match itself. Why? BEEF!đŸ„©

Now, I’m not suggesting that out on the trail we are physically assaulting each other, but a little rivalry can bring more excitement to the sport. Although we do have quite a bit of back and forth (maybe one sided?) between coaches in this sport, trail runners are FAR TOO NICE! I want to see Courtney Dauwalter saying on instagram “if I don’t get injured and I don’t get sick, I think [a Western States win] is going to be a walk in the park.” or Sophia Laukli tweeting and Nienke Brinkman â€œanywhere. anytime! I’ll pay for your flight."😂

I was just at the Prefontaine Classic this last weekend in Eugene, Oregon. The excitement over the Bowerman Mile was unmatched. Although there were a few other races in the meet with equally as competitive fields (women’s world in the 10K?? WTF??đŸ€Ż), the smack talk between Jakob and Josh leading into the event made it the most anticipated race of the day. You even saw sprint legend Michael Johnson weighing in the race and talking about how good it is for the sport for these men to be matched against one another.

Whether or not you think trail running needs more beef to be exciting, I think that athletes matching up against one another on a frequent basis elevates the athletes and the sport. Golden Trail World Series has done a good job of this over the last few years, even including YouTube clips that sometimes make personalities seem like they clash outside of the race course. At the end of the day, storylines are fun for the viewer and people like to feel like they are following athletes outside of their racing. Beef may help to elevate athletes personalities just like openness about failures.

Maybe it’s just the season where I’m too into track and field, but I’m here for the villain narrative knowing full well I probably couldn’t start any beef myself. What about you?đŸŠčđŸ»â€â™€ïž

Sub Hub Stories : Zegama is Zegama - A Testament to Basque Spirit by Dani Moreno

In the heart of Basque Country lies a race unlike any other, where the rugged terrain meets the unwavering spirit of its people. Zegama-Aizkorri Marathon, an event that transcends mere competition, is a celebration of resilience, camaraderie, and the profound bond between runners and supporters.

Having recently taken part in this illustrious event, I've come away with an enriched perspective, one that resonates deeply with the essence of Zegama. At its core, this race is more than a mere test of physical prowess; it's a journey woven with threads of time and history, a tribute to the indomitable spirit of the Basque people.

What sets Zegama apart, beyond its challenging course and esteemed participants, is the unwavering support that blankets every inch of the route. From the youngest to the eldest, Basque locals line the course, rain or shine, offering cheers of encouragement that uplift weary souls and propel them forward. It's a spectacle where every runner is embraced with equal fervor, their names echoed through the valleys, etching memories that endure long after the race ends.

The course itself is a formidable adversary, its character shaped by the elements. Rain transforms the rock into a slippery challenge, while mud turns the grassy slopes into a precarious dance. Amidst such trials, the choice of footwear becomes a crucial ally, yet ultimately, it is the resilience of the runner that prevails.

The pre-race ceremony is a testament to the fervent spirit that permeates Zegama. Thousands gather to witness the unfolding drama, their cheers reaching a crescendo as legends like Kilian Jornet and local hero Malen Osa take the stage. It's a scene reminiscent of a rock concert, with phones held aloft like lighters, each soul reaching out to touch the essence of mountain running greatness.

Reflecting on my experience, I offer these humble takeaways to future participants: Finish the race, not merely for oneself but for the privilege of being among the chosen few to tread these hallowed trails. Familiarize yourself with the course, for knowledge is the lantern that guides through the darkest of challenges. Embrace the local customs, eschew the stress of race-day traffic and instead rent a camper and sleep in the streets and open parking lots of the town.

Above all, cherish the moments shared with fellow runners and spectators alike, for in the embrace of camaraderie, every step becomes a triumph, every cheer a symphony of solidarity. Zegama is not just a race; it's a journey of the soul, where the spirit of the Basque people ignites the flames of perseverance and lights the path to greatness.

As I look back on my time at Zegama-Aizkorri, I am filled with gratitude for the privilege of experiencing its magic. In the heart of Basque Country, amidst the misty peaks and cheering throngs, I discovered a truth that transcends borders and defies description: Zegama is Zegama, and its essence will forever reside in the collective spirit of those who dare to tread its storied paths.

Results Recap

The women’s top 10 at Skyrace de Matheysins. PC: Margaux LeMap @margauxlemap

đŸ‡«đŸ‡·Skyrace des Matheysins

  1. Nadir Maguet - 2:25:43

  2. Daniel Antonioli - 2:27:06

  3. Manuel Merillas - 2:27:33

  1. Anastasia Rubtsova - 2:53:52

  2. Alice Bausseron - 3:01:12

  3. Bailey Kowalczyk - 3:04:33

🌋Transvulcania Kilómetro Vertical

  1. Ryunosuke Omi - 50:43

  2. Ricardo Cherta Ballester -51:38

  3. Abel Carretero Ernesto - 52:39

  1. Jessica Pardin - 1:01:33

  2. Onditz Iturbe Arginzoniz - 1:02:36

  3. Camilla Magliano - 1:02:44

🌋Transvulcania Media-Maratón

  1. Daniel Osanz - 2:12:35

  2. Fabian Venero Jiménez - 2:13:32

  3. Álvaro Escuela Perdomo - 2:18:36

  1. Onditz Iturbe Arginzoniz - 2:38:56

  2. Camilla Magliano - 2:43:52

  3. Moana Lilly Kehres - 2:46:29

🌋Transvulcania Maratón

  1. Francesco Anguita Bayo - 3:44:25

  2. Peter Frano - 3:48:08

  3. Milly Vanilly Dos Santos Lopes de Brito - 3:48:50

  1. Gemma Arena Alcazar - 4:35:01

  2. Ines Astrain Moreno - 4:38:35

  3. Kim Schreiber - 4:44:38

🌍European Masters Off-Road Championships Mountain Championships (8.9km, +600m)

  1. Matthieu Gandolfi - 48:55

  2. Shaban Mustafa - 49:40

  3. Tiago Aires - 49:54

  1. Barbara Taibon - 1:01:09

  2. Susan Ridley - 1:06:45

  3. Helen Brown - 1:07:33

🌍European Masters Off-Road Championships Vertical Championships (5km, +1000m)

  1. Martin Alvarez-Espinar - 41:04

  2. Shaban Mustafa - 41:32

  3. Matthieu Gandolfi - 42:16

  1. Monica Carl - 46:40

  2. Charlotte Cotton -49:46

  3. Barbara Taibon - 49:49

🌍European Masters Off-Road Championships Trail Running Championships (27.7km, +2000m)

  1. Shaban Mustafa - 2:32:18

  2. Thierry Mignot - 2:34:16

  3. Tiago Aires - 2:39:21

  1. Karen Freitag - 3:29:35

  2. Luminita Copacel - 3:31:42

  3. Elke Keller - 3:34:28

🐅Tiger Claw Ascent

  1. Joseph Gray - 28:31

  2. Andrew Bachman - 30:41

  3. Joe Berger - 34:57

  1. Ladia Albertson-Junkans - 36:10

  2. Haley Wolf - 37:36

  3. Brittany Kealy - 40:20

đŸ”„Tillamook Burn 20 Miler

  1. Andrew Bumbalough - 2:40:32

  2. Peter Buckley - 2:46:19

  3. Dylan Bowman - 2:47:19

  1. Kaitlyn Peale - 3:13:35

  2. Rachel Hawkins - 3:16:40

  3. Malia Pivec - 3:19:13

đŸ”„Tillamook Burn 50K

  1. Justin Grunewald - 4:12:07

  2. Mino Giunta - 4:23:02

  3. Nick Hirdt - 4:30:22

  1. Barrettt Gray - 5:00:17

  2. Jana Van Stee - 5:32:19

  3. Jenna Crawford - 5:42:53

đŸȘšQuad Rock 25 Miler

  1. Kyle Leto - 3:29:45

  2. Austin Gliottone - 3:34:56

  3. Luke Webster - 3:38:56

  1. Imogen Ainsworth 3:55:36

  2. Emily Caldwell 3:58:15

  3. Courtney Bouchet 4:08:01

đŸ‡«đŸ‡·Gorges du Tarn Skyrace -

  1. Roberto Delorenzi - 2:19:26

  2. Antonio Martinez - 2:19:36

  3. Iu Net (U23) - 2:20:52

  1. Oihana Kortazar - 2:51:58

  2. Julia Font - 2:54:57

  3. Carrodilla Cabastre (U23) - 2:57:55

⛰Timp Trail Marathon

  1. Zachary Garner - 3:43:46

  2. Mike McMonagle - 3:44:17

  3. Rex Shields - 4:13:58

  1. Kodi Kleven - 3:57:17

  2. Anna Fisher - 4:25:58

  3. Ashley Moline - 4:56:55

đŸ—»Mexico Sky Challenge

  1. Abraham HernĂĄndez - 4:37:14

  2. Miguel PĂ©rez - 4:45:59

  3. Johnny Luna Lima - 4:55:35

  1. Karina Carsolio - 5:43:44

  2. Kelly Wolf - 5:52:07

  3. Emma Cook Clarke - 5:52:40


  1. Kilian Jornet - 3:38:07

  2. Elhousine Elazzaoui - 3:46:16

  3. Bart Przedwojewski - 3:46:54

  1. Sylvia Nordskar - 4:29:12

  2. Malen Osa - 4:35:19

  3. Marta Martinez - 4:35:19

We will include the results of the European Off-Road Championships in our June edition as the races are split between May and June.

Current Series Rankings

Merrell Skyrunner¼ World Series Top 10 - Not much movement has happened in the last couple weeks on the women’s side. This current ranking doesn’t include Mexico Skyrace which might move some things around in the bottom half of this top ten. Roberto Delorenzi continues his dominance in the men’s field. The month of June brings us 5 more races to get the series rolling!



Lide Urrestarazu

Roberto Delorenzi

Naiara Irigoyen

Antonio Martinez Perez

Oihana Kortazar

Frederic Tranchand

Bailey Kowalczyk

Manuel Merillas

Julia Font

Luca Del Pero

Therese Dahl

Nadir Maguet

Celia Balcells

Miguel Benitez Beremjo

Leire Fernandez

Mario Olmedo Sancha

Ingrid Mutter

Daniel Antoniolli

Holly Wooten

Sebastian Posey

Golden Trail World Series Top 10 - BIG leaps for Malen and Elhousine after stellar days at Zegama. The Spanish women are dominating both international series currently after a sweep from 2-5 at Zegama. The next race in the series is Mont Blanc Marathon at the end of June.



Malen Osa

Elhousine Elazzaoui

Sylvia Nordskar

Alain Santamaria Blanco

Marta Martinez Abellan

Patrick Kipngeno

Naiara Irigoyen

Bogdan Damian

Rosa Lara Feliu

Joey Hadorn

Maude Mathys

Bart Przedwojewski

Joyce Njeru

Daniel Pattis

Theres Leboeuf

Marcin Kubica

Caterina Stenta

Adil Moussaoui

Sara Alonso

Alex Garcia

Trail Training Tip

“Test, don’t guess” - Vic Johnson on checking in with your body

Sub-Ultra Athletes of the Month

As we waved goodbye to 2023, we cooked up a plan for future years: ending the year with a bang by handpicking our top ten Sub-Ultra athletes. But hey, why wait until December to start the celebration? Every month, we're spotlighting athletes whose performances have dazzled, impressed, or just put a big grin on our faces. So while it might not be a perfect match for our 2024 list, it's sure to sprinkle some fun along the way!

Our picks for performances May 2024.

Elhousine finishing 2nd at this years Zegama - photo cred: @MathisDecroux

Elhousine Elazzaoui

After placing 4th in 2022 and 2nd last year, Elhousine returned to Zegama this year once again ready to battle. His recent 2nd place finish behind Killian Jornet solidifies his position as a trail running powerhouse and cements his lead in the Golden Trail World Series rankings. With his impressive track record, including victories at the GTWS final races in Noli, Italy, last year, anticipation is building for what could be his year to claim the ultimate prize.

Sylvia breaking the tape at Zegama - photo cred: @MathisDecroux

Sylvia Nordskar

Sylvia is undoubtedly our top pick for Athlete of the Month. With her previous highest finish at a GTWS being 4th at last year's edition of Zegama, she was already recognized as a top 10 contender. However, her performance this weekend surpassed all expectations. Taking the lead after the first 12km, she dominated the race until she crossed the finish line. This performance has propelled Sylvia to 4th place overall in the GTWS standings, a significant achievement. We're eagerly anticipating her next move and excited to see what she brings to the trail running world next!

Looking Forward

It’s officially June which means it’s officially SUMMER. You thought the season had already picked up, wait until you see what this month's racing schedule looks like.

Anna Gibson en route to winning BA VK 2023 - photo cred - @ryanthrower

The Skyrunner World Series continues its thrilling season in June with several exciting races offering opportunities for athletes to collect points for the final standings. The month kicks off with the Hochkönig SkyraceŸ in Maria Alm, Austria, on June 1, 2024. This race promises breathtaking alpine scenery and challenging terrain that will test the mettle of all participants.

Mid-June sees the Ultra Skyrunning Madeira in Portugal on June 15, 2024. Known for its dramatic landscapes and technical trails, this race is a favorite among ultra-distance enthusiasts looking for a tough but rewarding challenge.

Later in the month, athletes will head to Canada for the Arc’teryx Minotaur Skyrace¼ in Crowsnest Pass on June 22, 2024. This event offers rugged mountain terrain and spectacular views, making it a must for skyrunning aficionados.

The very next day, on June 23, 2024, the SkyraceÂź du Mercantour will take place in the stunning Mercantour National Park in southeastern France, known for its demanding routes and beautiful vistas.

The Broken Arrow Skyrace series, a marquee event in North America, will feature the 46k race on June 22 and the 23k race on June 23 in California’s stunning Sierra Nevada. Taking place in Olympic Valley, this event kicks off the week-long festivities leading up to the prestigious Western States Endurance Run, making it a central highlight for the global trail running community.

The Lavaredo 50k is set for June 28, 2024, in the Italian Dolomites. As part of the prestigious Lavaredo Ultra Trail series, it attracts top international competitors.

The Kaiserkrone Skyrace takes place on June 29, 2024, offering another opportunity for skyrunners to conquer challenging trails in Austria’s majestic mountains. On the same day, in the US, the Cirque Series heads to Brighton, Utah, for a race known for its steep climbs and stunning views in the Wasatch Range.

Rounding out the month is the iconic Mont Blanc Marathon on June 30, 2024. This race, set in the heart of the French Alps, offers runners a picturesque but grueling course around one of Europe’s highest peaks. This will be the 4th stop of the 2024 Golden Trail World Series.

For those looking to participate in other exciting events, the American Trail Running Association (ATRA) race calendar provides a comprehensive list of upcoming races across the US, including various distances and terrains to suit all trail running enthusiasts.